Design And Features
We take a Moderately Unrealistic Animated Approach for Designing Characters and Environmental Details, Our main Design Goal being - Visually Appealing, Cute, and Immersive. In Call Me Super!, Gamers control No one in particular, but are instead like a Godly Presence, Intuition, and Energy, behind the choices of In-Game Characters.
We want Our Experience to be Realistic at the Core, taking into account several little details from Character's Personality, Present Feelings / Mood, and Special Situations. We want our players to be at their wit ends.
"Players can Equip NFTs from DBS for Special Scenes that Takes into account the NFTs SuperPower and Calculates for Success or Failure"
CMS would Introduce Novel ways of Immersion for our Players, For Instance - Players can Inhabit a Character and Spend CMS Main Token to Make Definite Decisions that Stand regardless of In-Game Characters Moods.
The CMS Main Token (to be Revealed Soon) cannot be bought but can be Earned In-Game By Staking Artefacts you Unlock In CMS Chapter Series. Artefacts are Rare NFTs that can be Traded in Marketplaces, in such a case, Players would lose the Entire Progress Associated with that Artefact. Lost Chapters can be Restored by Replaying them or By Spending CMS Token to Restore them.
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