Main Features DBS
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In DBS, Players can Compete in Multiplayer and Single Player Modes of Battle, Utilizing Special NFTs Characters that share Similar Stats but Posses their Own Unique Superpowers. All NFTs in DBS would be Different in Every Way and Posses their own Special Body Parts Style across a Wide Variety of Props, Clothing, and Textures.
DBS World as expected is a highly chaotic Battle Ground, and for that reason, The Force and Speed of Avatars would be an Important Ranking Factor in both Experience Points (XP) and Player Earnings. To give you a close Idea, DBS Building Blocks, Gameplay, and NFTs System are Equipped with Interesting Ways for Players to Excel by Moving Faster(Speed), Shooting Farther(Force), and Jumping while Firing(Speed & Force).
The Following is a List of Current Concluded Gameplay in DBS:
Players can respawn after death
Barrels make Players Invincible to Others Except for Teammates.
Six Game Modes in Final Release, First 3 modes in Beta Version.
NFTs Avatars share three main Stats [Power, Speed, Health], with Varying [SuperPowers]
(1) 3 PVP Mode - This is a Mode with Steady Mechanics, No Chaotic Physics, Mazelike Battle Grounds, and Unlimited Respawning of Your Avatars.
(2) Last Man Standing - This is a Mode with Fast Paced Mechanics where Every Man Stands for Themselves, Chaotic Physics Occurs at random with a 10 Secs Prior Warning, No Avatar Respawn, Open World, with Closing Toxic Paint Barrier.
(3) 1V1 [Countdown] - This Game Mode has No Physics, But it Comes with Several Dodgeball Traps(to keep players on alert), being Our Most Difficult Map, It has Flexible CounterTraps to Target and Slow Down Enemies.
(4) 1 Boss : 3 Players - In this Mode, the Goal is to Team up with 2 Teammates (i.e, three in a Team) and fight Against 1 Boss JuggerMan. Eliminate the Boss in 5 Minutes or Less, Or Suffer A Mad JuggerMan with SuperCharged Powers to Eliminate the Unwary in an Instant.
(5) Killzone - Killzone is a Highly Chaotic Mode in DBS where up to 20 Players Battle it out against 1 Boss. Beware: While Taking Shots at the Boss Player, Don't Forget to Keep Watch on your backs. Killzone means Other Players can Eliminate you and add Extra Points to their Tally.
(6) Two Round Match - In this Mode, the Simple Goal is to Net a DodgeBall in your Enemies Court Twice to Win. The First team to Achieve this Wins. It's Possible to Settle with a Draw Match if/when The 2 minutes TimeLine Runs out.
Commander Andrew is a US Army General who is Bent on Being Mean, Strict, and Possessive even though his Face Tells a Different Story. Deployed on a Mission to the ISS, he Discovered the DBS Planet, Stopped Short to Investigate, and Has never Left it Since(He Says he Could at Any time though). Commander Andrew is the Default NFT Character given to Every DBS PLayer, a sign of respect for his being the Longest Inhabitant and the Oldest of the Bunch(In Earth's Years).
NOTE: DBS NFTs Characters are in Active Development by our 3d Artist and Would be Regularly Updated up till our Alpha Release, but this is the Main Structure of DBS NFTs
Lost Astronaut is an Emotional Guy who Lost all Tracks of his Space Adventure Companions during their Latest Mission and ended up in DBS World. Being more of a Technical Lab Guy, he's had a really Hard time Adjusting in DBS, and this has turned him into a Nervous Wreck-SpaceSuit. Can we Blame Him? Not Me!
Astro Teen is a Brave and Clever Teenage Boy who as you might Relate, has a Similar Story to Astro Boy<>. Astor Teen is the Exact Opposite of the Lost Astronaut and, willing to try out new Adventures, he's known to be the best Inhabitant that has adapted favorably to the Chaotic Atmosphere in DBS. Does he give you a perk in Battle? You'll find out Soon!
Martian Bonny is an Extra Terrestial Life Form from a Neighbouring World to DBS, he claims that his Life Forms supersedes all DBS Inhabitants' Evolution, yet he moves very Slowly, Heavily, and Talks but Drowsily. How can he Cope in the Highly Chaotic World of DBS which has zero Tolerance for Slow Movers and Favours Quick Thinking - Quick Moving?
Dysfunctio is a Three Feet Defective Robot developed by a Technical Hacker in a Sub Project of the ISS researching Lab Pigments. Cast away for a reason that was by no means his fault, Dysfunctio is hurt and in a Frenzy search for a New Friend. He's a confused little bot, He Drinks Paint like Water, and he's also the fastest Shooter of Dodgeball in DBS.