Dodgeball Skies

DodgeBall Skies is the first-to-launch experience in PortalsX Multiverse

The Story

DodgeBall Skies (DBS) is a Highly Creative, Immersive, Competitive, and Humorous Blockchain Game. It is PortalsX's First Game Release, with an Alpha Version in Development and Planned for release in the Coming Weeks.

The world of DBS is set in Outer Space, an Unknown Planet, filled with an Atmospheric Element Undisocovered yet to the Human Race. This Atmosphere is known to be very unstable and kicks off randomly, only giving the Inhabitant of DBS World an ill-timed warning.

Inhabitants of DBS World are the weirdest bunch you would ever come across, each having their own reasons for being in DBS World, but stuck with no place to go, they Battle it out Dodgeball Style to the Death.

DBS takes You (the Player) to its own world for you to Experience its Inhabitants(as NFTs) and listen to each one's Unique Story. Remember, your NFTs unlock a world of Utility and Possibilities in our Ecosystem of Experiences, so please treat them with Care and Respect.

The Game

DodgeBall Skies(DBS) is the First 3d Gaming Experience in PortalsX Metaverse, a Battle Arena Multiplayer Game, where players battle in MazeLike Domes across various gaming modes ranging from; 3 PVP, 1 vs 1 [Countdown], and Last-man Standing.

In future updates, We would make it possible for players to create their own Maps by launching a Creators Program to Facilitate this, because, we(PortalsX) want to Encourage Variety, Inclusion, and Creativity amongst Creators and Gamers in Our Ecosystem.

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